
导读 今天菲菲来为大家解答以上的问题。temperamental英文,temperamental相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、1. ADJ-GRADED爱...


1、1. ADJ-GRADED爱发脾气的;脾气乖张的;喜怒无常的 If you say that someone is temperamental, you are criticizing them for not being calm or quiet by nature, but having moods that change often and suddenly. He is very temperamental and critical.他好使性子,还爱挑毛病。

2、...a man given to temperamental outbursts and paranoia.喜怒无常、生性多疑的人2. ADJ-GRADED (机器、汽车)老出问题的,易出故障的,性能不稳的 If you describe something such as a machine or car as temperamental, you mean that it often does not work properly. I first started cruising in yachts with temperamental petrol engines...我刚开始驾驶游艇航行时,艇上的汽油发动机老出毛病。

3、Vickers machine-guns could be temperamental.维克斯机枪有时会出故障。

