
导读 大家好,小杨来为大家解答以上问题,浪漫英文情话长句,100句简短浪漫英语情话短句摘抄带翻译中文很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧...



1. You are my sunshine, my love. (你是我的阳光,我的爱。)

2. You make my heart skip a beat. (你让我的心跳停顿。)

3. Life is better with you. (有你的存在,生活更美好。)

4. You are the reason I smile. (你是我微笑的原因。)

5. Your love completes me. (你的爱让我完整。)

6. You stole my heart. (你偷走了我的心。)

7. You are the missing piece of my puzzle. (你是我拼图中缺失的一块。)

8. My love for you knows no bounds. (我对你的爱没有边界。)

9. Every moment with you is precious. (与你在一起的每一个时刻都很珍贵。)

10. You make my world brighter. (你让我的世界更明亮。)

11. I love you more than words can say. (我爱你胜过言语可表达的。)

12. You are the reason I believe in love. (你是我相信爱的原因。)

13. All I need is you by my side. (我需要的只有你在身边。)

14. My heart is yours forever. (我的心永远属于你。)

15. You are the song in my heart. (你是我心中的歌曲。)

16. You complete me in every way. (你从各个方面让我变得完整。)

17. I can't imagine life without you. (我无法想象没有你的人生。)

18. Your love is the best gift I have ever received. (你的爱是我收到的最好的礼物。)

19. You are my everything. (你是我的一切。)

20. Being with you is like a dream come true. (和你在一起就像是梦想成真。)

21. You are the love of my life. (你是我生命中的爱。)

22. I am forever grateful for your love. (我对你的爱永不改变。)

23. You give me reasons to smile. (你给我微笑的理由。)

24. With you, I am home. (有了你,我就回到了家。)

25. I love you to the moon and back. (我爱你,有如是火车轨道,没有终点。)

26. You are the most beautiful person I know. (你是我所认识的最美丽的人。)

27. Our love is a fairy tale come true. (我们的爱如童话般成真。)

28. I am the luckiest person to have you. (我是最幸运的人有你。)

29. You are my forever and always. (你是我永远的存在。)

30. I can't imagine my life without you. (我无法想象没有你的人生。)

31. Your love is my strength. (你的爱是我的力量。)

32. I fall in love with you more every day. (我每天都对你更加着迷。)

33. You bring out the best in me. (你让我展现了最好的一面。)

34. You are my happily ever after. (你是我幸福的结束。)

35. I am incomplete without you. (没有你,我就不完整。)

36. You are the greatest gift I could ever ask for. (你是我能够期盼的最好的礼物。)

37. My love for you will never fade. (我对你的爱永不褪色。)

38. You are the beat in my heart. (你是我心中的跳动。)

39. You are my one and only. (你是我的唯一。)

40. I love you more than words can describe. (我爱你无法用言语形容。)

41. You bring happiness into my life. (你给我带来了快乐。)

42. I am crazy about you. (我为你疯狂。)

43. My heart belongs to you. (我的心属于你。)

44. You make my life worth living. (你让我的生命有了意义。)

45. Your love is the fuel that keeps me going. (你的爱是我前进的动力。)

46. Loving you is the best decision I have ever made. (爱上你是我做过的最好决定。)

47. You are my soulmate. (你是我的灵魂伴侣。)

48. I am forever yours. (我永远属于你。)

49. You complete me. (有你,我才完整。)

50. You make every day brighter. (有你,每天都更加明亮。)

51. You are the love of my life. (你是我生命中的爱。)

52. I cherish every moment with you. (我珍惜和你在一起的每一个瞬间。)

53. You are the reason I believe in love. (你是我相信爱情的原因。)

54. You are my everything. (你是我的一切。)

55. Being with you feels like home. (和你在一起感觉像在家一样。)

56. You are the missing piece of my heart. (你是我心灵的缺失之一。)

57. My love for you knows no limits. (我对你的爱没有限制。)

58. I can't imagine my life without you. (我无法想象没有你的人生。)

59. You make me a better person. (有你,我成为了更好的人。)

60. I love you to the moon and back. (我爱你如此深沉。)

61. You are the love of my life. (你是我生命中的爱。)

62. I am forever grateful for your love. (我对你的爱心感激不尽。)

63. You complete me. (有你,我才是完整的。)

64. You make me the happiest person on earth. (你让我成为世界上最幸福的人。)

65. I can't picture my life without you. (我无法想象没有你的生活。)

66. You are my everything. (你是我一切。)

67. You are the light of my life. (你是我生命的光芒。)

68. Without you, I am nothing. (没有你,我一无所有。)

69. I am forever yours. (我永远属于你。)

70. You make me want to be a better person. (有你,我愿意变得更好。)

71. You are the love of my life. (你是我生命中的爱。)

72. I can't imagine living my life without you. (我无法想象没有你的生活。)

73. You are my one and only. (你是我的唯一。)

74. Every day, I fall in love with you a little bit more. (每一天,我都在更深地爱上你。)

75. You complete me. (有你,我才是完整的。)

76. My heart is yours forever. (我的心永远属于你。)

77. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. (你是我遇到的最美好的事情。)

78. I am forever grateful for your love. (我永远感激你的爱。)

79. You are my sunshine on a rainy day. (你是我雨天里的阳光。)

80. With you, I am home. (有了你,我就回到了家。)

81. You are the love of my life. (你是我生命中的爱。)

82. I am crazy about you. (我为你疯狂。)

83. You make my heart skip a beat. (你让我心动。)

84. You are the missing piece in my life. (你是我人生中缺失的一部分。)

85. I can't stop thinking about you. (我无法停止想念你。)

86. You are the reason I believe in love. (你是我相信爱情的理由。)

87. You are my world. (你是我的全世界。)

88. You are my everything. (你是我的一切。)

89. I am forever yours. (我永远属于你。)

90. Loving you is the best decision I have ever made. (爱上你是我做过的最好的决定。)

91. You are the love of my life. (你是我生命中的爱。)

92. You make my heart race. (你让我的心跳加速。)

93. You are my other half. (你是我的另一半。)

94. The thought of you makes me smile. (想到你我就会微笑。)

95. You brighten up my day. (你照亮了我的一天。)

96. You are my soulmate. (你是我的灵魂伴侣。)

97. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. (你是我遇到过的最好的事情。)

98. I can't live without you. (没有你,我无法生存。)

99. You are my happily ever after. (你是我的幸福结束。)

100. I love you more than words can express. (我爱你无法用言语形容。)





